Find the Degree That's Right For You
UIW also offers several degree programs via online instruction in several languages. Filter by degree type or language to see which program is the right fit for you.
Bachelor of Fine Arts in 3D 动画 and Game 设计
- 动画
- 建模
- 编程
- 生产 管理
- 测试
Master of Science in 会计
Maestría en Administración de Negocios
- Finanzas
- 一般
- 市场营销
Bachelor of Arts in 政府
Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences
Master of Science in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences
Master of Science in Athletic Training
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Biology
Master of Biomedical Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Broadcast Meteorology
Master of 业务 政府
- 资产管理
- 数据分析
- 一般
- Human Resource 管理
Bachelor of 业务 政府
- 会计
- 商业经济学
- 金融(银行)
- 金融(Financial Planning)
- 一般业务
- International 业务
- 管理
- 管理 信息系统
- 市场营销
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Bachelor of Science in 业务 政府
- 会计
- 金融
- 一般业务
- 信息系统
- 管理
- 市场营销
- 项目管理
- 社会营销
Doctor of 业务 政府
Master of 业务 政府
- 金融
- 一般
- 市场营销
- 下载澳门赌博官网管理
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Accelerated Bachelor's to 硕士 in 沟通 Arts
Strategic and Corporate
Bachelor of Arts in 沟通 Arts
- 电影
- 媒体与文化
- 多媒体 - Convergent Media
- 多媒体 - 新闻
- 多媒体 - 生产
- Strategic and Corporate 沟通
Bachelor of Science in Community Health 教育
Bachelor of Science in Computer 信息系统
- 网络安全
- 网络
- 编程
Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security Systems
Bachelor of Science in Data Science
Maestría en Educación
Master of Arts in 教育 和Master of 教育
- 成人教育
- 通识教育
- 运动机能学(M.A. 唯一的)
- 项目评估
- Student Services in Higher 教育
Doctor of 哲学
成人教育, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Organizational Leadership and Evaluation
Student Services and Higher 教育 政府
Bachelor of Science in 工程
- 电
- 管理
- 机械
- 机电一体化
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science in Fashion 管理
Apparel 生产 and 设计
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic 设计
Master of Health 政府
Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences
- 管理跟踪
- 一般 Studies Track
Bachelor of Arts in Human Resources
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior 设计
Bachelor of Arts in Interior 销售 and 管理
- 业务 政府
- 管理
- 市场营销
- 销售
Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology
- Physical 教育 Teacher Certification
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
Master of Science in Kinesiology
Bachelor of Science in Leadership Studies
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Meteorology
Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Medicine Science
Master of Science in Nursing Leadership
Doctor of Nursing Practice (BS从N到DNP)
Family Nurse Practitioner
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Doctor of Nursing Practice (M.S.从N到D.N.P.)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- 加速轨道
- 传统的跟踪
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
Master of Science in Nutrition
- 政府
- 营养教育
- 健康促进
Doctor of 职业治疗 (OTD)
Master of Science in Organizational Development and Leadership
Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Development
Doctor of 整骨疗法的医学
Pre-Pharmacy Curriculum (Two, three or four year program)
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Sciences
- Pre-Athletic Training Track
- Pre-Medicine跟踪
- Pre-职业治疗 Track
- Pre-Physician Assistant Track
- Pre-Physical Therapy Track
Master of Science in 下载澳门赌博官网管理
Bachelor of Science in Statistics
Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Texas Teacher 教育
Major in Intended Teaching Field
Secondary Certification
All-Level Certification
Master of Arts in Teacher Leadership
Master of Arts in Teaching
- All-level Certification
- Elementary Certification
- Secondary Certification
Bachelor of Science in Vision Science
Master of Science in Vision Science
Doctor of 哲学 in Vision Science